Getting started with REST in SharePoint 2013 – Part IV

Me & My SharePoint [FrontEnd]

Welcome to the fourth post in this series about REST in SharePoint 2013. In the previous posts I wrote about how to interact with SharePoint lists, but now it’s time to look in to how to retrieve information from an external source with help of JSON. There’s a lot of web services with APIs that provides JSON like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, bing maps, Netflix. Yahoo weather and many many more. In this post I’ll show you an easy example of how to get information from Flickr, as you may know a popular photo-sharing site that has been around for years and has now 5 billions of photos. And yes, this will work the same no matter if it’s SharePoint Online (public or internal) or SharePoint Onprem.

Please read the previous posts in this series before you go on to this post:

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